Bell bottoms, hammer-time pants, jelly-shoes, scrunchies…I’m sure we can all name some fashion fads from our youth that were truly stuck in their own time, right? We laugh and shake our head and ask our friends, ‘how could we have ever…?” Fads come and go and...
The ultimate wordsmith of our time, Dr. Suess, once said, “If you never did you should. These things are fun and fun is good!” Fun is good, isn’t it? And, when the fun that you find is good for your mind… it’s the best kind to find! If we take Dr....
Botox Xeomin and Dysport OH MY! Stereotypes surrounding Botox and it’s relatives can range from humorous to frightening… Our goal at ToxBar is to be as transparent as possible when explaining our business and continually celebrate the beauty of all of our customers!...
Wrinkles 101 If you are reading this right now, we are 100% confident you have some type of wrinkles on your face. If you don’t, you might be a toddler genius or, possibly someone who has never blinked or laughed. We all have wrinkles because we all have facial...