Botox Myths Debunked

Myth 1. Botox is a filler: Fillers and Botox are different things. Fillers work to “fill” in lines and restore volume loss. Botox, on the other hand, works to relax the muscles that cause those lines.

Myth 2. You need to be older to have Botox: There is no set age for when’s a good time to use Botox for aesthetical reasons. However, more and more people are using it as a preventative measure in their early years to reduce the production of wrinkles and lines before they take hold. However, bear in mind that this is essentially an expensive way to keep wrinkles at bay – SPF is a much more affordable and very effective method of slowing down skin aging.

Myth 3. Botox trains muscles: This is kinda true! Because the muscles that cause wrinkles are relaxed, over time they lose their ‘strength’ and their ability to cause wrinkle-producing expressions. Imagine if you didn’t use your arm for a year, your muscles would shrink and become weaker. The prolonged use of Botox over years can have a similar effect, as the muscle will weaken from lack of use. However, if you go Botox cold turkey, over time, those weakened muscles will strengthen again.

Myth 4. Having Botox gives you good skin: Botox only effects the muscles it’s injected into, so your entire face will not freeze up. There are also no skincare benefits – having Botox will not improve pigmentation or reduce breakouts

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Make an appointment at Tox Bar, Northern Kentucky’s Neurotoxin, Dermal Filler, and Microneedling experts, encourage all customers and clients to take care of their skin this winter. We’re here to help answer any questions you may have about your skin and it’s proper care. Offering a wide range of solutions to your skin care conundrums, Tox Bar works with each client to create a care plan that will help meet your specific skin care goals.